Accepted Insurances

We accept most Aetna, HealthNet, United Healthcare and Cigna insurance plans.
We also accept Medical, Medicare and cash pay options are also available. Please contact us if you have any questions.


Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in daily activities.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders can be debilitating, but therapy offers effective solutions. Learn about strategies and techniques used in anxiety therapy to regain control and find peace of mind.


ADHD brings unique challenges, but therapy offers the skills and insights you need to reclaim focus and enhance your well-being. Explore the benefits of ADHD therapy and take control of your journey.

Psychology Therapy

Comprehensive Mental Health Services

We offer a full range of mental health services, including psychiatric evaluations, medication management, psychotherapy, and counseling. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest research and clinical best practices to ensure you receive the most effective, evidence-based care tailored to your unique needs and goals.

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Individual & Family Therapy

Service play a crucial role in providing accessible mental health services to individuals in need.

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Medication Management

Feeling overwhelmed by medications? Medication management services offer personalized support, review medications for interactions, and help you understand your prescriptions for the best health outcomes.

Meet Our Specialists

These professionals may include clinical psychologists, counseling psychiatrists, psychotherapists, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners, and other specialists.


Viguen Movsesian


TMH Medical Director

Sarah Ko


Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Keumhee Byeon


Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Latest Blog Posts

Stay informed about the latest research in psychiatry.

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The Connection Between Self-Esteem and Teen Mental Health: A Comprehensive Guide

Adolescence is a transformative period filled with physical, emotional, and psychological changes, making mental health a critical concern for teenagers. Self-esteem, or the sense of self-worth, plays a vital role in shaping how teens interact with the world, cope with challenges, and view their future. Low self-esteem is linked to issues like depression and anxiety, while high self-esteem fosters resilience and overall well-being. This blog explores the connection between self-esteem and teen mental health, offering practical strategies to boost self-esteem. These include encouraging positive self-talk, promoting healthy relationships, fostering independence, engaging in hobbies, providing constructive feedback, and teaching stress-management techniques. By supporting teens in developing a healthy sense of self-worth, parents, educators, and mental health professionals can help them navigate adolescence with confidence and resilience.

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Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at specific times of the year, usually in the winter. It’s characterized by symptoms like low mood, fatigue, changes in sleep and appetite, and difficulty concentrating. SAD is believed to be caused by reduced sunlight exposure, which affects serotonin and melatonin levels, disrupting mood and sleep. Risk factors include living far from the equator, being female, and having a family history of depression. Treatment options include light therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), medication, and lifestyle changes like regular exercise and a healthy diet. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for managing symptoms effectively.

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5 Myths About Mental Health Treatment

Mental health treatment is often misunderstood due to common myths. This blog debunks five misconceptions: that treatment is only for severe cases, medication is the only solution, therapy is for those who can't handle problems alone, mental health issues signify personal failure, and therapy is only needed during a crisis. The truth is that mental health treatment is valuable for everyone, offering support, coping strategies, and preventative care. Understanding these myths helps reduce stigma and encourages more people to seek the help they need for overall well-being.

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